Irantoa History



About Iran Tour Operators Association

Iran Specialized Tour Operators Association started its activity in 1996 with a number of outstanding tour operators and travel agencies actively involved in inbound tours, under the name of Specialized Committee of Inbound Tours. The aim of the establishment of this committee was to overcome the obstacles and difficulties on the road to the inbound tourism, and to facilitate inbound tourism to Iran from all over the world. Due to the increasing number of travel agencies and tour operators, and also the increasing level of activity, the committee was given the name “Iran Specialized Tour Operators Association" and was registered in accordance with a new Constitution in 2003. Its member bodies are made up of the General Assembly, the Board of Directors and the Inspectors. At present, the Association acts with 7 main members of the Board of Directors, 2 substitute members, a treasurer, a main inspector and a substitute inspector (their names are mentioned under the menu "Introducing members of the Board of Directors").


170 tour operators and travel agencies actively involved in inbound tourism are among the members of the Association. The main office is located at the following address:


Unit southern 12, 2nd floor, 24 (Dena Building), Vanak st., Vanak sq. Tehran


The main activity of the Association is to acquaint researchers and those interested in visiting Iran with the rich culture of our country, and to help the members attract the inbound tourist and to provide services comparable to International Tourism standards of developed countries.


The principal and fundamental activities of Iran Tour Operators Association include attempting to fulfill the qualitative and quantitative objectives set in the country development programs; making efforts to improve the specialized training in tour operators and travel agencies to provide the best service in parallel with international standards;  cooperating with Trade Promotion Organization of Iran, and Iran Cultural Heritage, Handicrafts and Tourism Organization in decision-making on the related issues in order to remove the obstacles in inbound tourism development path, and to interact on providing export incentives such as prizes and tax exemptions.


Main goals:


- To introduce Iran as a major global tourism destination with an ancient civilization and culture, enjoying a rich and diverse nature and climate.


- To attempt to stimulate the growth of inbound tourism Industry as one of the most booming and profitable economic activities in our country in terms of providing employment opportunities especially for the youth and the importing of foreign currency.


- To create opportunities for the sellers and buyers of the tourism industry products in order to help the handicrafts market and similar products flourish.


- To cooperate in writing legislation to safeguard a suitable working environment for the members and to ensure tourists will enjoy all necessary comforts and have peace of mind.


- To inform the members about the latest national and international events and developments influential in their activity..

Iranshenasi St., South Sheikh Bahayi St., Tehran, Iran. Po: 1437835859


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