ITOA,s Agencies in WTM 2016

ITOA,s Agencies in WTM 2016

Members of IRAN Tour Operators Association (ITOA) attended WTM exhibition London

International tourism exhibition "World Travel Market" 2016 opened in London in which participants of tourism industry worldwide including a number of travel agencies - the members of Iran Tour Operators Association- participated.

ITOA,s tour and travel agencies by the names of "Irandoostan", "Iran Rastin", "Dorna Gasht", "Pasargad", "Koolehbar Safar", "Shaghayegh Abi", "Pardisan Tour", "Arg-e Jadid", "Sebt Tour", "Ertebat Gostar", "Ghoghnos", "Cyrus Sahra", and "AITO" were responsible for introducing Iran's attractions.

  • 3/6/2017

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