ITOA members attend COTTM

ITOA  members attend COTTM

The 13th international outbound tourism exhibition (COTTM) opened on 29 March 2017 in Beijing, China where members of Iran Tour Operators Association with their counterparts from other countries participated.

AITO, Irandoostan, Sam Seir, Pardisan, Gasht Tour, and Touran Zamin are Iran's six representatives participating in China's specialized tourism exhibition. These travel agencies could have display stands through the efforts of Iran Tour Operators Association in order to introduce our country's tourism attractions.

Palestine, Russia, Georgia, China, South Africa, Egypt, Ghana, Italy, Bangladesh, England, the US, Mexico, Ukraine, Australia, Philippines, Finland, Bhutan, the UAE, Iceland, Nepal, Chile and Vietnam are among the participants in the exhibition.

  • 4/6/2017

Iranshenasi St., South Sheikh Bahayi St., Tehran, Iran. Po: 1437835859


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