

Iran-Uzbekistan tourism webinar was held.
This webinar was held in cooperation with the Iranian Tour Operators Association, the Uzbek Embassy, ​​Zagros Airlines, Pars Khashayar Mehr Company and with the participation of more than 20 Iranian companies and 18 Uzbek companies on January 30th.
Ebrahim Pourfaraj, President of the Iranian Tour Operators Association, Timur Mirzayov, Chairman of the State Committee for Tourism Development of Uzbekistan, Mirzajan Qalandarov from Tashkent University of Oriental Studies spoke at the webinar.
Then, the representatives of the companies present at and in Binar introduced themselves. Also, the existing problems regarding the issuance of visas were expressed and it was agreed to hold an introductory tour between the two countries in the near future.
  • 1/1/2021

Iranshenasi St., South Sheikh Bahayi St., Tehran, Iran. Po: 1437835859


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